Techstrong Research

Change is good. As an entrepreneur, you quickly learn three lessons: Surround yourself with the absolute best talent you can find; the only constant is change and any plan is out-of-date as soon as you press ‘Save.’ All three lessons are immediately apparent in Accelerated Strategies Group’s growth and evolution as we become Techstrong Research. That brings me to today’s announcement. 

It’s my pleasure to embrace Judith Hurwitz and Dan Kirsch from Hurwitz & Associates in their new roles as co-founders and leaders of Techstrong Research. Judith is transitioning to the role of president and Dan managing director of Techstrong Research, while I will continue to play an active and vital role as principal and as Techstrong Group CTO. 

The announcement of Techstrong Group in early October ushered in a new kind of media, content, research, certification and events business with tremendous synergies and strategic value to our customers and member communities. Similarly, we now have a winning combination that will elevate Techstrong Research’s value to the market and help amplify the impact possible through Techstrong Group.

Early in my career, I was fortunate to lead a technology transfer organization. That experience was foundational, as it ignited and fueled my passion for bringing to market new technologies that focused on improving how we work and live. I always try to experience and use new technologies in some meaningful way before I ask or advise others on how they should or should not invest in or use them. I can then speak from personal experience rather than theory or assumption.

If there is a common missing ingredient from analyst firms and their work, it is often that current, real-world experience informing the research, analysis and customer advisory. My goal in performing this dual CTO and principal role is to ensure Techstrong Research continues to speak as an authority. We can do that because every day we use the cloud, data, cloud-native, cybersecurity and AI technologies and DevOps best practices and more in the real world, just as our customers and member communities do.  

Please join me in welcoming Judith and Dan as we continue this Techstrong Research journey together.